Samantha's Crazy ScrapHappy Life

My name is Samantha and this is a glimpse into my crazy scrap happy life. I am a SAHM to 3 wonderful and wild kids and a totally addicted scrapper.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Meme Challenge 1.20.06

Five things that worry me daily.....

1. Something bad happening to my kids (kidnapping, injury etc.)

2. Housework...I hate and seem to fall behind and then I can't stand the clutter. It's an endless circle.

3. Finances...Mainly that dh will find out how much I've spent on scrapping supplies. Also about college money for kids down the road and money to do things to the house that we want. Guess I need to not spend so much on scrapping stuff.

4. My weight, but I'm working on that with the help of WW and the 2 My Health group a the lss.

5. Being a good wife and Mom. Helping kids with homework and grades and teaching them right and wrong. Being a good wife to Craig.

Little Ears

By the way since Little one is feeling better and never did run a fever he went back to school. His ears are starting to feel better. Frankly today when we all went to get hair cuts the little munchkin monster was driving Daddy and I absolutely BONKERS!!! Maybe it was the icecream we got after school to celebrate Josey's Honor Roll. But he's so stinkin cute you gotta love him.

Lunch with Hubby and A+ Honor Roll and a Morning Nap

Today was a good day. This morning after I took the boys to school I came home to find Craig assleep in the recliner. I was still a little sleepy myself. So I covered him up and turned on the fan. I went back to our room, thinking I'd lay down and read for a few. I set the alarm so that if I fell assleep it wouldn't be for long. Well, I must have turned the alarm off, becuase Craig came back at 11:00 and woke me up. He'd been assleep that long too. A morning nap sure is nice.

Craig and I went to Accademy to get him and Lauren new lunch boxes. She wanted one that didn't look so much like a lunch box, because not many kids at the Middle School carry their lunch. We found a University of Alabama one that looked and felt like a purse. After we left we went and ate lunch at Wings. It was sooooo yummy and I stayed on points too. Grilled chicken with rice and steamed broccoli. If Craig has to leave swing shift and go to straight days I'll miss our time together and our lunches. It's nice not having to worry about the kids and it be just us.

After that we went to the school and got Josey's A Honor Roll award. He was the only one in his class to get all A's. We are so very proud of him. Sometimes I have to remember to check and see what he is doing, he breezes through everything.

Lauren got her progress report today and had an A in math for the first time in several years. She is really working hard to keep up her grades. We have told her that if she gets no 0's on any assignments and all A's and B's on her report card that she will $25.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Sock basket is Under Control!

Ok, I admit it, I am horrible at keeping the laundry kept up. I get it washed and then it piles up on the couch....but not today! It is all put up....that is clean anyway. Now to get the rest washed and put up......without it growing into a mountain on the couch. I also managed to clean out the sock basket and get them all matched up and put up! Yeah Me!!!!

I had to pick Phillip up from school early today. He had an earache. The nurse said this is the first time she had seen him come up to the office not feeling well and knew he didn't feel good even though he didn't have a temp. Of course our lovely pediatrician....don't get me wrong he's a good doctor and the kids like him, but his hours since going out on his own stink....isn't open on Wed. afternoon, so we'll have to go in the morning. After I picked him up I took him through the drive through at Wedndy's and got him a frosty and we went home to watch the National Geographic Dinsour movies. I sure hate it when the little ones are sick.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Weight Watchers...2 My Health!

Tonight was the first night of the 2 My Health club at The Paper Place (lss). We will be meeting once a month and posting daily on our yahoo group. I think this will be a great way for me to be held accountable in my journey to better health...and less weight :). We made our journals (I'll post mine as soon as I finsih it) and discussed how we are going to use them and tips for keeping our goals. Not everyone is doing WW, some are going organic and some are just starting getting fit, eating better and exercising. I am really jazzed about the group. I am looking forward to health proffesionals that will be coming in to talk to us about nutrition, vitamins and exercise and more. I started WW , again, 2 weeks ago and I'm already down 5 pounds. YEAH Me!!!!!!


Well, we went bowling yesterday. It was quite the experience. Craig was uptight beause the kids were so overly excited and hyper. That is normal. They finally settled down and I think everyone had fun bowling....I know I did...I had the high score :)! I have to admit I gloated a little. Of course it helps that I didn't end up face down in the middle of the lane. On Criag's first roll, he didn't realize that his rented bowling shoes (aren't those things lovely...just think of all the sweaty feet that have been in them, YUCK!) had a rubber heel. And as soon as he let go of his bowl he went down flat on his, arms straight out in front of him. I have never seen him so embarassed! He was so red and we were all just rolling...(Josey's friend Joshua was with us). It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. It's usually me that something like that happens to. I tend to be a a clutz.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Here's our little Munchkin Monster! Isn't he a cutie?

I wanted to share a picture of my son Josey since I have a picture of Lauren up. I'll post one of Phillip next.

My very first blog post!

Well, I've finally succumbed to blog mania! I'm looking forward to posting and keeping family and friends updated on our crazy life! I'll also be posting about scrapbooking....of course! So here it goes........

I have to tell you about my scrap shopping this weekend! I cropped at my LSS this weekend (The fabulous The Paper Place in Mobile, AL.) and Tonya had gotten TONS of cool new product in! I bought a lunch box, alcohol inks and applicator, KI tattoo rubons in 3 colors, scented vintage ink (2), Gin-x coaster (hearts, circles and flowers), words to go, letters to go, Mom to go, 4 sets of Carolee's wordplay, tons of paper, glossy paper, and soooooooooooooo much more! I am one happy scrapper. Let's not even get into what I spent the week before last at Hobby Lobby.......yowser that was one high bill. I'm planning on hitting Hobby Lobby for some Staz-on ink this week. Love it when ink is on sale.

School is out tomorrow. We're planning on taking the kids to go bowling. It has been litteraly years since we've been bowling. Josey's friend is spending the night tonight and he's going with us. It should be fun. Of course we'll be bumper bowling.....I like that, makes my average a little better.

I was shocked this morning when Lauren was through getting ready for church. I thought I couldn't be looking at my little girl. This person was all grown up. At least she looked that way. She couldn't possibly be my baby. She is growing up so fast. Before I know she'll be going off to college.